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How does acne form?

Acne is a skin disease. It most often begins in adolescence with hormonal disturbances but it is not exclusive to teenagers! In fact, adult acne is very common.

Acne is an inflammation of the orifice of the hair that turns into red pimples (with pu when they are ripe) and/or micro cysts. An excess of sebum and blackheads accompany these skin impurities.

Acne can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, medication, excessive sweating, the use of cosmetics unsuitable for the skin, poor hygiene...

At Dermagyms, we offer clinic treatments and medical grade cosmetics (ZO©️ SKIN HEALTH and VIVIER) that are effective, tailored and personalized to each type of acne to normalize the skin and make it healthy.

How to effectively treat acne?

Depending on the type of acne, mild, moderate, cystic, hormonal... At Dermagyms, we offer effective treatments for each type of acne:

The soft or medium peel: a medical grade peel that destroys the bacteria that cause acne and leaves a new skin without acne afterwards. The strength of the peel will be chosen according to the severity of the acne.

The O2toDerm : Highly concentrated 92% pure oxygen under hyperbaric pressure with anionic therapy and blue LED that delivers a wavelength of 470 nm, will kill the bacteria responsible for acne.

The Celluma Élite : Advanced Low Level LED Therapy, a proven technology from NASA research, kills acne-causing bacteria.

ZO©️ skin health : Medical grade products to prevent and treat all types of acne.

During the consultation, a personalized treatment plan will be set up according to the severity and type of acne.

How do acne scars form?

Acne scars form as a result of sufficiently virulent acne pimples. There is a greater chance of getting them when you regularly scratch and fiddle with your pimples. Without sun protection, the chances of poor scarring that will remain scarred are also increased.

There are different types of acne scars:

- Hypertrophic scars: Swollen scars that present an outgrowth of the skin tissue.

- Atrophic scars: They are hollow.

- Hyperpigmented scars: They are red, pink, brown or black. It is a hyperpigmentation of the skin due to the stimulation of melanocytes.

- Hypopigmented scars: The color is lighter than the skin due to the destruction of melanin.

How to effectively treat acne scars?

Apart from surgery, there are no quick miracle solutions! However, technological advances now make it possible to reduce or even erase the above-mentioned acne scars with little or no downtime. 

Very deep scars or hypertrophic scars are very difficult to treat and surgery is sometimes recommended.

Before treating acne scars, it is important to know that the acne must first be treated. Once the acne is controlled or cured, we can then effectively treat the scars.

POTENZA (RF Microneedling): The latest technological breakthrough for effectively treating acne scars. Currently considered the best RF Microneedling (combined radiofrequency) in the world, it treats both active acne (completely destroys the bacteria causing acne) and scars caused by acne! Visible results from the first session.

Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid: to fill in shallow scars. This treatment should be repeated every year or two.

VIVA (nanofractionated radio frequency) and/or medical grade microneedling: to treat shallow atrophic scars, mild hypertrophic scars and hyperpigmented scars. 160 nano-injuries are created via ultra-precise energy per impact zone for the Viva while the medical grade micro-needling will produce 150 micro-needle strokes per second (this may sound "barbaric" but both treatments are very tolerable even without anesthesia!) Several passes will be necessary to create cell regeneration. The scars will disappear, the skin will be smooth and will continue to improve over the months.

Peeling: for hyperpigmented scars, hypertrophic and mild atrophic scars. The peel will irritate the skin so that it can then peel off and give way to new skin with no scars and an even tone.

Treatments for acne and acne scars

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